SVEEP Awareness Campaign-cum-Mock Poll nei turte District Election Officer in a vailiam

Serchhip District chhung Assembly Constituency pathum-a 'Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) Awareness Campaign' turte chu nimin khan Serchhip District Election Officer, Sangchhin Chinzah chuan Serchhip DC Office kawt a\angin a vailiam.
Serchhip District chhung Assembly Constituency pathum-a 'Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) Awareness Campaign nei turte vailiamtu Serchhip District Election Officer, Sangchhin Chinzah chuan District chhunga Assembly Constituency pathum- 26th Serchhip, 27th Tuikum leh 28th Hrangturzo Assembly Constituency huamchhung a mipui leh Voter ten kumin MLA inthlanpui lo awm tur atana inthlanna hmanrua, Electronis Voting Machine (EVM) leh Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) te chu bel taka an lo hmelhriat hmasak leh a rintlak ngei anih an lo finfiah hmasak a pawimawh thu a sawi a. Inthlanna tura Vote thlak chhinna, Mock Poll-ah pawh a tam thei ang berin Vote lo thlak chhin \heuh turin mipuite a ngen bawk.
'Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) Awareness Campaign-cum-Mock Poll' hi Serchhip District chhunga khua zawng zawngah neih neih tura ruahman niin he Campaign hi Sector Officer te kaihhruaina hnuaiah neih tur a ni a, Sector Officer te chuan khaw hrang hranga vantlang punkhawmna leh hmun remchang dangah te EVM leh VVPAT hnathawh dan te hrilhfiahin, mipuite pawh Vote thlak dan a takin an tihtir dawn bawk a, heng Vote thlakna hmunah hian mipuite chu Vote 70% chin tal an thlak chhin ngei tur a ruahman a ni.
Nimin zing a Serchhip DC Office tual a\anga Serchhip District chhung khaw hrang hranga 'SVEEP Awareness Campaign-cum-Mock Poll' nei tur Sectoral officer leh Sectoral Police Officers te vailiamna ah hian Election kaihhnawih sawrkar Department hotu pawimawh te an tel a ni.
