DCPU buatsaih Prog. hmang

Social Welfare Department hnuaia District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) Serchhip buat-saihin nimin khan Serchhip-ah Capacity Building Programme for Statutory Bodies under Integrated Child Protection Scheme buatsaih a ni.
Serchhip SP Conference Hall-a he hun buatsaih hi Serchhip District Child Protection Unit-a DCPO, Lalsiampuii chuan kaihruaiin he Programme hawngtu Serchhip Addl. SP, Riadao Hlychho chuan hetiang hun pawimawh tak buatsaih a ni chu lawmawm a tih thu sawiin, naupangten an dikna leh an chanvo dik tak an chan theihna atana training \angkai tak anih ngei a beisei thu a sawi bawk.
He hunah hian Resource Person atan Laldinpuia Tlau, Jt. Registrar, Gauhati High Court, Aizawl Bench chu hman niin hun hmasa lamah Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 chungchangah zirtirna a pe a. Hun hnihna Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU) leh Child Welfare Committee, Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) te hnathawh leh hmalak tawhte bakah hmlakna kal mekte an thlirho a ni bawk. Nimin a he hun hmanna ah hian Serchhip District chhunga naupangte enkawl leh venhimna leh an dikna chanvo humhalh kawnga hmalatu- Child Welfare Committee, Juvenile Justice Board leh Special Juvenile Police Unit member te an tel a ni.


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