ECI in khapna thu chhuah

Election Commission of India chuan tunkar Ningani-a Village Council inthlanna lo awm turah Exit Poll buatsaih khapna thupek a chhuah.

Hemi chungchanga sawrkar thuchhuah in a tarlan danin The Representation of the People Act, 1951 Section 126A sub-section(1) tlawhchhan in Vawiin, August 25, 2020 tlai dar 5:00 leh Vote thlak ni, August 27, 2020 tlai dar 5:00 inkar chhungin Exit Poll buatsaih leh Print leh Electronic Media emaw, hmanraw dang emaw hmanga a result tihchhuah a khap a. The Representation of the People Act, 1951 Section 126(1)(b) hnuaiah, Opinion Poll result emaw, Poll Survey dang result emaw inthlan kaihhnawih thil reng reng inthlan vote thlak theih hun tawp atanga chhiar leta darkar 48 chhungin Electronic Media-a tihchhuah/tar lan/thehdarh a khap bawk.


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