Postal ballot hmanga Vote thlak thei ruahman belh a ni

Mizoram Assembly Inthlanpui neih tura Postal Ballot hmanga Vote thlak turte tan naktuk, Oct. 24, 2023 thlengin dilna thehluh theih a ni.
Hemi chungchanga Serchhip District Election Officer David Lalthantluanga’n hriattirna a tihchhuah danin thla thar Nov. 7-a Mizoram Legislative Assembly Inthlanpui neih tura Election duty neite chu Election Commission of India (ECI) in Postal ballot hmanga vote an thlak a phalsak a. Hei bakah hian tun thla ni 18-a ECI in hriattirna a tihchhuaha a tarlan angin heng hnathawktu, inthlan ni-a anmahni hna ah duty a ngaih avanga mahni Polling Station-a vote thlak theilo te tan Postal Ballot hmanga Vote thlak phalsak niin heng te hi- Airport Authority of India, Food Corporation of India, Press Information Bureau, Doordarshan, All India Radio, Power & Electricity Department, Health & Family Welfare Department, State Transport Department, Food, Civil Supplies &Consumer Affairs Department, BSNL, Media persons (authorized by ECI for poll day coverage), Fire &Emergency Services leh Security duty (Lengpui Airport) te an ni.

Heng Department Staff, Postal Ballot hmanga vote thlak ngai tur te chuan Postal Ballot dilna ‘Form 12D: Letter of Intimation to Assistant Returning Officer (For absentee voters)’ hi General Branch DC Office, Serchhip-ah ngaihven tur a ni a, Form hi October 24, 2023 (Thawh-lehni) ralhma ngeiin thehluh leh tur a ni. Form 12D ah hian mahni Voter ID (EPIC) No., Hming leh Phone number chiang taka tarlan tur a ni a, duty Detailment Order thil tel bawk tur a ni.

Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram chuan Mizoram chhung Assembly Constituency hrang hrang a vote nei Electors' Photo Identity Card (EPIC) nei chu vote an thlak dawn in EPIC card keng vek tura tiin hei hi anmahni ngei a ni tih finfiahna tura ruahman a nih thu a sawi a, hemi remchang lo tan anmahni finfiahna tur 12 ruahman a ni bawk.


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