EPIC aiah hman theih turte

Mizoram Assembly Inthlanpui neih turah Election Commision of India thuchhuak angin Vote thlak tur Electoral Roll-a chuang te chuan Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) ken tur a ni a. EPIC ken tur nei lo te tan an nihna tilang chiang thei tur (Identification) atan Aadhaar Card; MNREGA Job Card; Thlalak chuanna Passbook Bank, emaw Post Office emaw atanga pek chhuah; Health Insurance Smart Card, Labour Ministry pek chhuah; Driving Licence; PAN Card; NPR Smart Card, RGI pekchhuah; Indian Passport; Thlalak chuanna Pension document; Central/State Govt./PSUs/Public Limited Companies pekchhuah thlalak chuang Service Identity Card; MPs/MLAs/MLCs te Oficial Identity Card te leh Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India in Unique Disability ID (UDID)Card a pekchhuah te chu hman theih a ni dawn bawk a ni.


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