Serchhip District-a naupang tanpuina dawng tur thlang

Serchhip District Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee chu nimin khan thukhawmin kum 2023-2024 Financial year chhunga Mission Vatsalya (Child Protection Services) hnuaia Serchhip District chhunga naupang tanpuina dawng turte an thlang.
Serchhip District Bawrhsap David Lalthantluanga hova Serchhip District Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee thutkhawm Serchhip DC Office Chamber-a neih ah hian Member Secretary leh District Child Protection Officer Lalsiampuii chuan Mission Vatsalya hnuaia Naupang tanpuina kalphung chhungchang leh zirchhiana an neih dante a sawifiah a. Sponsorship dawng tur hian District chhunga Village Council te leh School hrang hranga zirtirtute biak niin, pek ngai nia an hriatte chu DCPO in a hmuna kalin zirchianna a neih vek hnuah Child Welfare Committee hmaah chhawpchhuah leh vek a ni a, Committee in enkawl leh venhim ngai ni a an hriat te chu District Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee-ah hian pawmpui turin chhawp-chhuah a ni a, naupang 127 te hming chhawpchhuah atangin Sponsorship dawng tur hian naupang 125 pawm an ni a. He thutkhawm ah hian DCPO Office-a Protection Officer (NIC) leh Child Welfare Committee Chairman te an tel a ni

District Child Protection Unit chuan Sponsorship Programme hi kum 2013 atanga kalpui in naupang kum 18 hnuailam, harsatna hrang hrang leh retheihna avanga zirna mamawh, eitur leh damdawi hmanga inenkawl ngai, inenkawlna tur nei si lo te chhawmdawlna tur atana duan a ni a. He ruahmanna hnuaia tanpuina dawng tura thlan te hi thla tin Rs. 4000/- a tanpui thin an ni.

Foster Care hi naupang in enkawltu chhungkaw mumal an neih loh a, chhungkaw dangin tha taka an lo enkawl lailawk hi a ni a. Tupawhin enkawltu mumal nei lo naupangte enkawl thei tur leh tanpui thei tura an inhuam chuan District Child Protection Unit-ah zawhfiah theih reng a ni bawk.


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