Department siam thar

Mizoram sawrkar chuan Department thar, 'Resource Mobilization Department' a siam thar. Hemi chungchanga nimin-a sawrkar in thuchhuah a siamah Department thar 'Resource Mobilization Department' din a nih thu hi a tarlang a, Government of Mizoram (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2019 hnuaia Rule 3 in a inziak angin he Department tharin a hnathawh tur leh mawh-phurhna te chu la duanfel tur a ni. Department thar a pian avang hian Rule 3 of Government of Mizoram (Transaction of Business) Rules, 2014 hnuaia First Schedule – List of Departments pawh siam thar a ni a, Mizoram sawrkar hnuaiah Department 44 a awm ta a ni.


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