Naupang 115 te dilna pawm

Nimin khan Khawzawl-ah District Sponsorship & Approval Committee chu thukhawmin Integrated Child Protection Scheme tia hriat thin, Mission Vatsalya hnuaia naupang tanpuina dawng tura chhawpchhuah te chungchang ngaihtuah a ni a, kum 2023-24 chhunga tanpuina (sponsorship) dawng turin naupang 115 te dilna chu pawmpui a ni a, District chhunga naupang tanpuina mamawh ten awlsam leh chak zawka tanpuina an hmuh theih nan mumal zawka Village Level leh Block Level Child Protection Committee tuai thar te an rel bawk a ni. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2022 chuan ‘A tul tawp khawkah lo chuan naupangte hi Child Care Institution-ah dah loh tur an ni,’ a ti a. Hemi bawhzui zel nan hian Mission Vatsalya hnuaiah naupang harsa zawk te chu an ei leh in, hriselna leh zirna senso chhawmdawl nan thla tin Rs. 4000 a tanpui thin an ni.


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