LADC-a MNF Legislature Party Leader banna pawm lo

Lai Autonomous District Council (LADC)-a MNF Legislature Party Leader V. Zirsanga banna thehluh chu MNF Legislature Party leh MNF District Hqrs. Lawngtlai Office Bearer thukhawm chuan an pawm sak lo.

LADC-a MNF Legislature Party hruaitute chuan nimin khan LADC-a Executive Member leh MNF Legislature Party-a Deputy Leader C. Rongura hovin Lawngtlai-a thuthar thehdarhtute an kawm a, LADC-a an Leader V. Zirsanga chuan Feb. 9, 2024 khan Leader atanga banna a thehlut tih sawiin, Pathianni khan MNF Legislature Party leh MNF District Hqrs. Office Bearer ten he banna hi an ngaihtuah thu an sawi a, tun dinhmun ah chuan Lai Autonomous District Council Constitution, Conduct of Business Rules 2010 en chungin tuna V. Zirsanga dinhmun ah hian Legislature Party Leader a chelh theihlohna an hmuhloh vangin Leader atanga banna a thehluh chu an hnawl tih an sawi a ni.

Lai Autonomous District Council-a Chief Executive Member (CEM) nilai, LADC-a MNF Legislature Party Leader V. Zirsanga hi eiruk thubuaiah Dr. HTC. Lalrinchhana, Special Judge, Prevention of Corruption Act chuan thiamloh chantirin a hrem a, Special Court thuremna ah hian V. Zisanga hi lungawi lovin High Court-ah a zualko a, High Court chuan thuremna lo awm tawh chu kalpui rihlotur a tiin V. Zirsanga pawh January 31, 2024 khan Bail a chhuah a nih thu LADC a MNF Legislature Party hruaitute chuan an sawi a ni.


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