World Intellectual Property Day hman a ni

Zirtawpni kalta, April 26, 2024 kha ‘World Intellectual Property Day’ niin he ni pual hian Govt. Serchhip College NSS Unit bultumin Govt. Higher Secondary School-ah hun hman a ni, Kumin-a World Intellectual Property Day-ah hian ‘IP and the SDGs: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity’ tih chu thupui atan hman niin Dr. Jonathan Lalnunsiama, Asst. Professor, Department of Physics chu Resouce Person atan hman a ni a, Intellectual Property Rights pawimawhna leh mi in thiamna tha tak nei mah se IPR a neih loh chuan sumdawnna lian zawk kalpui tura harsatna a awm theih dan te kalkhawmte chu a hrilhfiah a ni.


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