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Election Commission of India chuan India ram danpui (Constitution of India) Article 324 hnuaia thuneihna a pek anga thupek a chhuah angin Serchhip District Bawrhsap chuan Serchhip District-a Media Certification & Monitoring Committee (MCMC) ni phaina a pe (pre-certified) a nih loh chuan, Lok Sabha Inthlanpui neih tura vote thlak ni (19.04.2024) leh vote thlak hma ni (18.04.2024)-ah Political Party, Candidate, pawl leh mimal ten Print Media kaltlangin Politics kaihhnawih Advertisement chu Serchhip District chungah an tichhuak tur a ni lo tih a tar-lang a. Political advertisement tichhuak duh chuan an tihchhuah duh ni (date) hma ni hnih (2 days) aia tlai lovah MCMC hnenah dilna an thehlut ngei ngei tur a ni tih a tarlang bawk.


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