Serchhip Field Veng VC By-election neih hun tur puan a ni

Serchhip Field Veng Village Council a seat ruak pakhat (General) hnawhkhahna atana By-election chu January 30, 2024 khian neih a ni dawn.

Hemi chungchanga Mizoram State Election Commission thuchhuah tarlan danin inthlan hriattirna hi January 4, 2024-a tihchhuah a nih rualin Returning Officer ten hriattirna an tichhuak nghal a, January 10, 2024 thleng inthlan chuh tur tan hming pekluh theih a ni anga. January 12, 2024-ah hming pekluh te hi enfiah in January 15, 2024 tlai dar 3:00 thleng inhnuhdawh theihna hun hawn a ni leh anga, January 30, 2024 zing dar 7:00 atanga tlai dar 4:00 thlengin mipui ten vote an thlak anga, vote tla te hi chhiar nghal tur a ni ang.

1. Announcement & Issue of notification of Election by the State Election Commission

04.01.2024 (Thursday)

2. Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers

04.01.2024 (Thursday)

3. Last Date for filing Nominations

10.01.2024 (Wednesday)

(11:00AM – 3:00PM)

4. Scrutiny of Nominations

12.01.2024 (Friday)

5. Last Date for withdrawals of Nominations

15.01.2024 (Monday)

(Upto 3:00 PM)

6. Date & Time for allotment of symbols to

Candidates & display of list of Candidates

15.01.2024 (Monday)

(3:00pm onwards)

7. Date of Poll

30.01.2024 (Tuesday)

(7:00 AM - 4:00 PM)

8. Counting of  Votes  (Counting  of  votes  shall

commence as soon as possible after the poll is over)

30.01.2024 (Tuesday)

9. Date of re-poll if any

31.01.2024 (Wednesday)

(7:00 Am - 4:00 PM)

10. Counting of re-poll votes (Counting of votes shall commence as soon as possible after the poll is over)

31.01.2024 (Wednesday)

11. Date on which Election process shall be


01.02.2024 (Thursday


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